Table Football


Community Contributed Project

This project was generously contributed by Mark Hardisty (idea, art, and original design) and Andy Lulham (editing and formatting as a Code Club project).

If you’d like to contribute a project of your own, then get in touch with us on Github.


Let’s make a world cup football game in Scratch!


Step 1: Get the pitch ready for a game

Activity Checklist

  • Start a new project in Scratch.
  • Click on the stage next to the sprite and switch to the Backdrops tab, then click the Upload backdrop from file button and choose the resources/pitch.jpg file.
  • Delete the original blank backdrop, and the cat sprite.
  • Our goals need nets! Create a sprite using the Upload sprite from file button and select resources/net.png. Move the net into the middle of the goal on the left. Rename it blue goal.
  • Right-click on the net sprite and click duplicate, then move this new sprite to the goal on the right and rename it red goal.

Save your project

Step 2: Add a goalie

Okay – our pitch is looking good! Now let’s add some players and get them moving about.

Activity Checklist

  • Click on Upload sprite from file and choose resources/goalie_blue.png. Rename the sprite blue goalie, and drag it near to the left goal.
  • Click on the grow sprite button, and click on the blue goalie sprite 10 times to scale up the sprite.
  • Click on the Scripts tab, and add:

    when FLAG clicked
    go to x: (-190) y: (0)
        if <<key [q v] pressed?> and <(y position) < [80]>> then
            change y by (5)
        if <<key [a v] pressed?> and <(y position) > [-80]>> then
            change y by (-5)

    Let’s look at the code. We position the goalie, then we loop forever listening for key presses from the player. Q moves the goalie up, A moves it down. We check the y position of the goalie to stop it moving off the screen.

Test your project

Click the green flag.

  • Can you control the goalie by pressing Q and A?
  • What happens when it gets to the edges of the pitch?

Save your project

Step 3: Add some more players

We can’t play a game of football with just one player! We need to add some more.

Activity Checklist

  • Create another sprite using the Upload sprite from file button and selecting resources/goalie_red.png.
  • Change the name of the sprite to red goalie.
  • Drag the sprite on the stage to the right-hand side just in front of the goal.
  • Like before, grow the sprite 10 times so it is as big as the other goalie.
  • Select the blue goalie sprite and drag the script to red goalie to duplicate it.
  • Select red goalie, and modify the script so it looks like this:

    when FLAG clicked
    go to x: (190) y: (0)
        if <<key [p v] pressed?> and <(y position) < [80]>> then
            change y by (5)
        if <<key [l v] pressed?> and <(y position) > [-80]>> then
            change y by (-5)

    You should only have to change three things: the x position, and which keys are pressed.

Test your project

Click the green flag.

  • Can you control the red goalie by pressing P and L?
  • Do the controls for the blue goalie still work?

Save your project

Step 4: Add some attacking players

Activity Checklist

  • Create another sprite using the Upload sprite from file button and selecting resources/attack_blue.png. Rename the sprite blue attack.
  • As before, grow the sprite 10 times, so the players are as big as the goalies.
  • Move the sprite into the right-hand side of the pitch, so they are attacking the red team’s goal.
  • Drag the script from blue goalie to blue attack, and modify it to match this:

    when FLAG clicked
    go to x: (70) y: (0)
        if <<key [w v] pressed?> and <(y position) < [80]>> then
            change y by (5)
        if <<key [s v] pressed?> and <(y position) > [-80]>> then
            change y by (-5)
    You should only have to change three things: the x position, and which keys are pressed.
  • Create one more sprite using the Upload sprite from file button and selecting resources/attack_red.png. Rename sprite to red attack.
  • As before, grow the sprite 10 times, so all the players on the pitch are the same size.
  • Move the sprite into the left-hand side of the pitch, so they are attacking the blue team’s goal.
  • Drag the script from blue attack to red attack, and modify it to match this:

    when FLAG clicked
    go to x: (-70) y: (0)
        if <<key [o v] pressed?> and <(y position) < [80]>> then
            change y by (5)
        if <<key [k v] pressed?> and <(y position) > [-80]>> then
            change y by (-5)

    You should only have to change three things: the x position, and which keys are pressed.

Test your project

Click the green flag.

  • Do you have two teams of working players now? Try pressing Q, A, W and S to control the blue team, and P, L, O and K to control the red team.

Save your project

Step 5: Add a bouncing ball

Our game of football has feet, but no ball! Let’s fix that.

Activity Checklist

  • Click Upload sprite from file
  • Select resources/ball.png, and rename the sprite ball.
  • In the Scripts tab for the ball, add the following:

    when FLAG clicked // bounce about
    broadcast [resetball v]
        move (10) steps
        if on edge, bounce
  • Right-click on this script and click add comment. Add the comment “bounce about”.
  • Add another script to the ball:

    when I receive [resetball v] // prepare for kick-off
    go to x: (0) y: (0)
    point in direction <pick random (1) to (360)>
    This tells the ball to move to the middle of the pitch for kick-off, and then point in a random direction. Why do we use resetball?
  • Don’t forget to add the “prepare for kick-off” comment, so we remember what this script does!

Test your project

Click the green flag.

  • Does the ball move?
  • What happens when it hits the edges?
  • Are you happy with the ball speed? Try changing the move block to have a smaller or larger number until you’re happy with it.
  • What happens when the ball hits your players?

Save your project

Step 6: Kicking the ball

We need the ball to bounce off the players on the pitch.

  • Modify the last code block you created (“bounce about”) to look like this:

    when FLAG clicked // bounce about
    broadcast [resetball v]
        move (10) steps
        if on edge, bounce
        if <<touching color [#0A9AF7]?> or <touching color [#FF0D01]?>> then
            turn cw (pick random (140) to (220)) degrees

    You should select the colours by clicking on the football players. This change makes the ball sense it is touching a player, and then bounce off them by turning (with a bit of randomness).

Test your project

Press the green flag.

  • What happens now when the ball hits your players? Is it working for both red and blue players?

Save your project


Activity Checklist

  • Select red goal and add the following script:

    when FLAG clicked // goal line technology
        if <touching [ball v]> then
            broadcast [goal v]
    This is like goal line technology - it runs all the time, checking whether the ball is touching the goal, and broadcasting a message when it is.
  • Drag the script to blue goal to copy it there as well.
  • Now we need to do something when goal is broadcast. Click Upload sprite from file.
  • Select resources/goal_text.png, and rename the sprite goal text.
  • Add this script to goal text:

    when I receive [goal v] // goal scored
    wait (1) secs
  • Finally, add one more script to goal text:

    when FLAG clicked

    …to ensure the goal text begins the game hidden.

Save your project

Test your project

You’re ready to play a game! Press the green flag.

  • What happens when the ball goes in?
  • Try challenging a partner to a game!

Challenge 1: Keep score

Can you add variables that will keep track of scores for the red and blue teams?

Challenge 2: Tip the table

You might notice sometimes the ball gets stuck bouncing where the players can’t reach. Can you add a script to the ball to fix this by “tipping the table” when the spacebar is pressed?

Challenge 3: Referee’s whistle

Can you add the sound effect resources/whistle.mp3 so that the whistle sounds whenever a kick-off takes place?